//Background to Recolouring Aluminium Windows & Doors

Background to Recolouring Aluminium Windows & Doors

Recolouring aluminium windows is highly specialised work that requires experience and the right skills to do the job well. Window Doctorz has developed this capability over a number of years since the business began in 2005. Over this time we have seen a number of other businesses try their hand at this specialised work and fail. They have not been able to meet the level expertise, skill and attention to detail required . Your typical house painters may be good at painting timber, masonry and plaster board surfaces but lack the ability, know how and commitment in preparing and painting metal structure such as aluminium and steel.

Window Doctorz has completed literally hundreds of residential and commercial restorations projects in South East Queensland. We know we are the best at what we do,   and today we continue to receive new work from previous clients and associated referral work.

By | 2018-06-12T07:59:43+10:00 June 12th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

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