Windows and doors are an important part of the look and function of any home. .They can be a source of frustration and diminish the value of a property if they look dated and weathered through ageing. Our restoration system can bring them back to life.
Restoring old aluminium windows, doors and screens is an extremely efficient way to modernize a home and lift values, without the high cost in time and money of replacing these components.
Aluminium windows in houses built in the 1970’s to early 1980’s did not have the luxury of modern day powder coatings to provide protection against aging and weathering. They were either silver (uncoated) or had a rather primitive coating in mission brown.
Today, some 30 years down the track, these finishes are showing unsightly surface deterioration. While aluminium does not technically ‘rust’ like steel, it does develop an oxidation. Fortunately, this affliction is predominantly on the surface and does not generally compromise the structural integrity of the base aluminum metal.
The Window Doctorz restoration process removes this oxidation and thoroughly cleans the surface in preparation for the new paint application.
Before and After


Can I Afford It?
In estimating the cost of a job a number a variables need to be considered. These include:
- Age of property
- Paint respraying both sides or 1 side only
- Condition of existing frames and hardware
- Degree of oxidation or peeling powder coat surfaces
- Access to exterior of windows
- Access to interior windows & doors
- Need for new screens or restore existing
To restore all windows and doors in a typical 3 to 4 bedroom suburban home, most estimates are in the range of 1.5% to 2.0%* of a property’s value. With essentially new windows in a modern colour, including our maintenance treatment, properties can rise in value to many times the initial investment. Of course these improvements also provide significant lifestyle benefits.
(* This will vary depending upon size, design and location of the home).
If you don’t want all windows in your house restored we can do selected ones only. You also have a choice of respraying only the outside or we can do both inside and out. With all window painting jobs, we carry out necessary maintenance so the restored windows and doors work like new as well as look like new.
Our process is described in “How”. Our experienced team carry out the work efficiently and with far less inconvenience and fuss than the major work of ripping out old and installing new windows.