//Are You Looking to Replace Your Outdated Aluminium Windows?

Are You Looking to Replace Your Outdated Aluminium Windows?

There are various reasons why you might want to replace aluminium windows in your home. Perhaps they’re no longer functioning as they should, or maybe they’re outdated and make your house look aged. Whatever the reason, if you’re looking to replace your outdated aluminium windows, there’s something you should know about first. At Window Doctorz, we offer various services for aluminium windows, and you might be surprised to learn that aluminium window replacement may not be necessary when you can instead get one of our professionals to restore the aluminium window frames on your property. This can be a much more convenient and affordable option. While it will depend on the condition your aluminium windows are in, we can offer old aluminium window and door repairs as an alternative to replacement. Read on to learn more.


Before looking to replace your outdated aluminium windows, have you considered giving them a facelift by hiring a company to restore your aluminium window frames? There are so many colours of powder paint coatings available today, allowing you to choose virtually any hue you want to complement the era of your home and your tastes. An added bonus is that when you restore your window frames, you’re likely to save money when compared to the replacement cost.

Why Get Professionals to Restore Aluminium Window Frames?

There are many benefits to hiring professionals like us at Window Doctorz to restore your window frames to colour and condition that pleases you. These benefits include:


By hiring us to restore your aluminium window frames, you’re doing everything you can to ensure your frames last longer. As window frames are subject to the elements, a modern paint coating can do a lot to buffer the effects of the elements, avoiding a lot of the surface oxidation that would otherwise occur.

Financial Savings

As mentioned above, when you choose to restore aluminium window frames, you can enjoy savings when compared to replacement. You should always ask if restoration is viable when before hiring a company for old aluminium window and door repairs and replacement. Not only is restoration cheaper, but it can produce a startlingly rejuvenated look for your home.

Colour Choice 

There are many colours that can be applied when restoring aluminium window frames. This means that you can pick a colour that truly suits your home. Choose the same colour as your original window frames, or switch things up and select a more modern option – the choice is yours.


Old aluminium window and door repairs are relevant when you have warping or corrosion affecting your window or door frames. Restoration is great when the condition of the window or door frames can be improved through relatively superficial means such as a new coat of paint, but when something is structurally wrong, repair is the better option.


When you can’t restore aluminium window frames or even repair them, then your last avenue is to completely replace them. This will be more costly that either of the above routes, but sometimes aluminium windows and doors can’t be salvaged if the damage is too serious.

Contact Window Doctorz Today

At Window Doctorz, we have all the specialist knowledge necessary to do a great job of restoring and repairing your aluminium window and door frames. We’re always happy to help add value to your home through giving your aluminium window and door frames a facelift. Call us today on 07 3800 2918 to learn more or request a quote.

By | 2022-11-15T09:07:23+10:00 May 18th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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